It’s no secret that spending uninterrupted time with family has many benefits. From better relationships to advanced performance in school, there are plenty of reasons to block out time in your busy schedule to simply be together. This can be as simple as having a ‘sit down’ family meal or enjoying a fun weekend activity together. One of the ways The Pig likes to advocate family togetherness is by dedicating space and time to board games. Family Game Night is a creative, interactive, and fun way to get everyone together. Below are some of the games that we offer, that are PERFECT for a night full of family fun.

  1. RoadTrip

Difficulty Level: 2roadtrip

Game time: 30 minutes

Description: Complete each word challenge and make your way across the USA!  “Rest Stop” cards add to the fun along the way, with lucky breaks and the occasional pothole. You’ll find yourself asking ‘“ R ” we there yet?’ and saying ‘Wish ” U ” were here!’


  1. Poopyhead

top-poopyheadDifficulty Level: 3

Game time:
15 minutes

Description: All players must play their cards on a pile, keeping in mind that they play the right order: Toilet – Poo – Paper – Wash your hands. Once a player cannot play a card, he immediately pushes the whoopie cushion. Now, whoever has the most cards left, will need to place a poo on his head. After 5 games, the player with the most poo on his head loses!


  1. Toasted or Roasted

60851Difficulty Level: 3

Game time: 15 minutes

Description: Starting your campfire is the very first step. Toasting three marshmallows is the goal (if only they were real!). An offensive/defensive game of marshmallow roasting where the first player to toast 3 marshmallows wins.


  1. Mouth guard Challenge

mouth_guard_challenge_usa_box_3d_front-1Difficulty Level: 1

Game time: 35 minutes

Description: We’ve all seen a YouTube video of the mouth guard and now here it is in board game form! There are 5 mouth guards, 75 challenges, and plenty of photo worthy moments accompanying this game. Each colored card means a difference challenge. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner!

Bonus: EVEN MORE CONTENT is available online. Downloadable challenge cards can be found here: